Język Polski Polski

Information for Authors – Author Guidelines

Change in papers submission process

Due to changes in the editorial process management system, we would like to inform you that starting from July 1, 2020, papers must be submitted to our journal via the portal http://www.journalssystem.com/warch/.

You will need to set up an account in the submission system, which you can do yourself or with the help of the „Wiadomości Archeologiczne” Editorial Team (please contact us by email in advance).

Author guidelines

“Wiadomości Archeologiczne” welcomes submissions for publication under the following headings: Essays, Miscellanea, Materials, Discoveries and Chronicle. We do not accept typical field reports (on regular and rescue excavations, surface surveys, etc.). Contributions are subject to peer review by experts selected for their knowledge of their subject.

Texts, together with illustrations in the form of properly named files, should be submitted via the appropriate module on the journal’s website. For this purpose, the Author should set up an account in the system, which they can do on their own or with the help of the Editorial Staff (in this case, please contact us by e-mail or phone in advance). All the information necessary to correctly submit the text is marked with asterisks. Failure to fill in this type of fields will prevent submission of the article.

Submitted texts may be accompanied by a .pdf file with the text layout suggested by the Author/Authors, including bold and italic style, expanded character spacing, centring, etc., with the decision as to the final formatting resting with the Editorial Staff.

The editors reserve the right to correct evident errors and make minor additions and stylistic adjustments; also, to correct inaccuracies in place names, terminology, etc. For more serious changes the text may be returned to the Author/Authors with a request for clarification, necessary corrections, etc.

Digital version
  • The digital version should include, in separate files: the main text, list of reference literature, figure captions, tables, diagrams etc., the summary, and non-textual matter (drawings, tables, diagrams etc., also in separate files). The names of individual files should contain the name of the Author or the key word from the title, helping to identify the contents of the file unambiguously, e.g., Kowalski text.doc, Kowalski table.doc, Kowalski figure 01.tif, etc. In the text files, please do not include the title of the article and data enabling identification of the author/authors (this information should be placed in the relevant sections of the application form).
  • The text files should have only basic formatting:
    • text – 12-point Times New Roman font, Normal style, with 1.5 line spacing, left justified or fully justified, paragraphs with a 1.25 cm indentation ending in hard space; the text may be highlighted only using the Bold or Italics styles (particularly unwelcome is highlighting the text by pressing the spacebar); sub-headings should be separated from the main text with a double line spacing; numbering of individual portions of the text is unacceptable. Lists, if any, etc. should not be numbered automatically;
    • page – without numbering, no headers or footers, margins 2.5 cm on each side;
    • notes – the only acceptable form are footnotes or endnotes generated and numbered automatically;
    • references – bibliographic references should match the Chicago style: the initial of the first name of the author/authors, last name, year of publication and list all the cited pages, figures etc. (e.g., J. Kostrzewski 1923, 34–37, fig. 234, 236).
  • All summaries of the articles written in Polish are translated into English. Where justified, a summary may be translated into a second language (e.g., Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, German, etc.). A summary cannot be smaller in size than 10% of the text and rather not larger than 20% of the text (except for texts contributed to the Materials, where a summary of a smaller size may be accepted), it should contain references to plates/figures etc., and it may also contain references to numbers of key footnotes. Excessively complex sentences are to be avoided in the summary, where technical terminology is used it is recommended to give the English counterpart (and possibly in the second language of the summary). Abstracts written in English are accepted (with the name of the translator) but the Editorial Staff reserve the right to proofread them and adjust them if necessary. Summaries of papers written in English or German are translated into Polish.
  • The abstract should have a maximum of 600–900 characters (incl. spaces), depending on the volume of the article.
  • The Editorial Staff accept summaries/abstracts in English (with the name of the translator provided) but reserve the right to make linguistic adjustments.
Other remarks
  • Place names and administrative data should be given in their present form, consistent with official records. For sites that have names accepted in literature it is acceptable to use their traditional version (e.g., Wielbark—today, Malbork-Wielbark, Rządz—today Grudziądz-Rządz, Wilanów—today Warszawa-Wilanów). When a locality is cited for the first time in the text it should be provided with up to date administrative details: for text written in Polish, the name of the powiat (county) should be written in the official format, with the name of the county centre given as an adjective, e.g., pow. bieszczadzki [Ustrzyki Dolne], pow. gdański [Pruszcz Gdański]), for other countries, the name of the corresponding territorial unit and the unit of a higher order allowing easy localization of the locality. For Poland we recommend using official lists of names of localities published on the home page of the Ministry of the Interior. For other countries there is need to confirm the administrative data drawn from literature. Authors are requested to pay special attention to the correct spelling of the place names using the correct diacritical marks and letters of national alphabet.
  • For proper names, family names, etc. written in non-Latin alphabets please give the transliteration (not: transcription!) according with the ISO 9:2000 norm for Cyrillic alphabets and the original notation in the national alphabet. For texts written in English or German the scientific transcription of names, places etc. is also accepted. When making reference to materials published before 1945 provenanced to former provinces of Prussia, Silesia, eastern Lesser Poland, etc., the Authors are requested to give the present and former name of the locality (the latter in italics), e.g., Krosno, pow. pasłęcki, former Krossen, Kr. Preussisch Holland; Nača (Нача), Garadzenskaâ vobl. (Гарадзенская вобл.), Belarus (Беларусь), former Nacza, pow. lidzki.
  • Tables may not exceed 17 cm in width (unless they are oriented horizontally, in which case, they may not exceed—25 cm in width), tables with a length greater than 1 page of a standard printout should not be divided into parts. In electronic files Authors are requested to use only the basic formatting in tables, with a uniform line thickness and style, without any internal formatting of columns, rows or cells. The Author/Authors may use their preferred formatting of tables in the printed version of their text.
  • All quotations must be in italics, and their source—except in obvious cases—must be given.
Non-textual matter
  • The list of cited literature should contain all works and sources cited in the text, in figure and table captions etc., and each work included in the bibliography should be invoked at least once in the text, figure captions etc.
  • A bibliographic entry must give the title of the cited work in its full version given on the title page (not: on the cover!) of the book or the first page of an article, especially in case of collective works, incidental works, catalogues, conference proceedings etc.
  • Titles of all cited printed matter (books, articles, reviews, notes, catalogues, brochures, maps, etc.), typescripts and manuscripts should be written in italics.
  • Titles of cited printed matter, especially journals and publications series, should be written each time in their full version; except for titles that have been listed complete with abbreviations used by the Editing staff on the web page of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw: www.pma.pl/wydawnictwa/skroty and in every volume of Wiadomości Archeologiczne.
  • Titles of journals should be written using a normal font, in quotation marks (e.g.: “Wiadomości Archeologiczne”); titles of periodic publications, including publication series, without quotation marks (e.g.: Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica).
  • All the numbering in the bibliographic entries must be in their original form, i.e., numbers (of volumes, issues, tables, etc.) should be given in Arabic or Roman numerals consistently with the cited numbering; where the number is spelled out, it should be given in the bibliographic entry in Arabic numerals.
  • For all printed matter other than journals the place of their publication should be given; for publishing houses p that have several branches and give more than three place names in their publications the first of these should be given, e.g., for “Ossolineum” Publishing House only Wrocław should be given as the place of publication.
  • For journals and serial publications with a consecutive numbering of volumes give the date (year) of printing (usually given on the title page) and, if they are different, the actual date of publication of the volume (usually given on the Edition notice or the imprint).
  • References published the same year are to be listed in chronological order, marked as “a”, “b” etc.
  • All the collective works should be provided with the name of their editor of that publication.
  • Works not using a Latin alphabet should be given in a transliteration compatible with the established norms (in particular, norm ISO 92000 for Cyrillic alphabets) and in their original form using the national alphabet.
  • The list of cited literature should contain all works and sources cited in the text, in figure and table captions etc., and each work included in the bibliography should be invoked at least once in the text, figure captions etc.
  • A bibliographic entry must give the title of the cited work in its full version given on the title page (not: on the cover!) of the book or the first page of an article, especially in case of collective works, incidental works, catalogues, conference proceedings etc.
  • Titles of all cited printed matter (books, articles, reviews, notes, catalogues, brochures, maps, etc.), typescripts and manuscripts should be written in italics.
  • Titles of cited printed matter, especially journals and publications series, should be written each time in their full version; except for titles that have been listed complete with abbreviations used by the Editing staff on the web page of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw: www.pma.pl/wydawnictwa/skroty and in every volume of Wiadomości Archeologiczne.
  • Titles of journals should be written using a normal font, in quotation marks (e.g.: “Wiadomości Archeologiczne”); titles of periodic publications, including publication series, without quotation marks (e.g.: Monumenta Archaeologica Barbarica).
  • All the numbering in the bibliographic entries must be in their original form, i.e., numbers (of volumes, issues, tables, etc.) should be given in Arabic or Roman numerals consistently with the cited numbering; where the number is spelled out, it should be given in the bibliographic entry in Arabic numerals.
  • For all printed matter other than journals the place of their publication should be given; for publishing houses p that have several branches and give more than three place names in their publications the first of these should be given, e.g., for “Ossolineum” Publishing House only Wrocław should be given as the place of publication.
  • For journals and serial publications with a consecutive numbering of volumes give the date (year) of printing (usually given on the title page) and, if they are different, the actual date of publication of the volume (usually given on the Edition notice or the imprint).
  • References published the same year are to be listed in chronological order, marked as “a”, “b” etc.
  • All the collective works should be provided with the name of their editor of that publication.
  • Works not using a Latin alphabet should be given in a transliteration compatible with the established norms (in particular, norm ISO 92000 for Cyrillic alphabets) and in their original form using the national alphabet.

Reference literature should be listed according to the standard given below:

Abramek B. 1990: Cmentarzysko ciałopalne kultury przeworskiej w Konopnicy na stanowisku 7 w województwie sieradzkim (cześć III), „Sieradzki Rocznik Muzealny” 6 (1989), 81–131.

Belâvec V. (Бeлявец В.) 2001: Śro­dko­wo­la­teń­ski grób z pła­skie­go cmen­ta­rzys­ka w Ra­do­ści Ka­mie­niec­kiej w za­chod­niej Bia­ło­ru­si, WA LV (1999–2001), 47–54.

Belâvec V. (Бeлявец В.) 2002: Dasledavannì 2000 g. na grun­to­vym mo­gìl­nìku vel’barskaj kul’tury kalâ v. Pâtrovìčy [Даследаванні 2000 г. на грунтобым могілніку вельбарскай культуры каля в. Пятровічы], [w:] M. Karczewska, M. Karczewski (red.), Badania archeologiczne w Polsce północnowschodniej i na zachodniej Białorusi w­latach 2000–2001. Materiały z konferencji, Białystok 6–7 grudnia 2001 roku, Białystok, 253–268.

Cieśliński A. 2006: Ne­kro­po­la w Ol­szty­nie. Za­gad­nie­nie pół­noc­ne­go za­się­gu kul­tu­ry prze­wor­skiej na po­gra­ni­czu Ma­zow­sza i War­mii we wczes­nym okre­sie rzym­skim, [w:] W. Nowakowski, A. Szela (red.), Pog­ra­ni­cze trzech świa­tów. Kon­ta­kty kul­tur prze­wor­skiej, wiel­bar­skiej i bo­ga­czew­skiej w świe­tle ma­ter­iałów z badań i po­szu­kiwań archeologicznych, Światowit, Supplement Series P: Prehistory and Middle Ages XIV, Warszawa, 45–59.

Csallány G. 1936: Jazygen Gräberfelder bei Szentes, „Dolgozatok a M. Kir. Ferencz József Tudomány egyetem Archeológiai Inté­zetéből” XII, 83–89.

Lau N. 2003: Das Grä­ber­feld von Pilgramsdorf/Pielgrzymowo (Kreis Nei­den­burg/heute Woj. Ol­sztyn). Ein Unter­suchung zu Archi­valien, Fun­den und Grab­ritus, mps pracy magisterskiej w Christian-Albrechts-Universität w Kilonii.

Madyda-Legutko R. 1987a: Metalowe części pasów na obszarze kultury zachodniobałtyjskiej w okresie wpływów rzymskich, WA XLVIII/1 (1983), 21–36.

Madyda-Legutko R. 1987b: Die Gür­tel­schnallen der Römi­schen Kaiser­zeit und der frühen Völ­ker-wan­derungs­zeit im mittel­europäischen Barbaricum, B.A.R. Int. Series 360 (1986), Oxford.

Węgrzynowicz T. et alii 1995: T. Węgrzynowicz, M. Andrzejowska, J. Andrzejowski, E. Radziszewska (red.), Kul­tu­ra po­mor­ska i kul­tu­ra gro­bów klo­szo­wych. Razem czy osobno? Materiały z konferencji w dniach 24–26 listopada 1993, Warszawa.